3 Steps to Prepare Small Groups for Growth

My wife loves to garden. She gains a deep sense of accomplishment every time our house is surrounded by beautiful flowers. On the other hand, I abhor gardening; because it is usually associated with hours and hours on my hands and knees working the soil. I would rather save myself the time and pain by just […]

7 Ways to Care for your Ministry that Require Zero Talent

Each Small Group Semester brings a different set off challenges and goals I look to strive for. I will aways set a new numerical goal for groups, next steps emphasis and I always look for a few areas that need improvement within my role. It seemed that almost every semester I circled “better care” for […]

One Simple Idea – Promoting Small Groups in your Worship Service

If you are anything like me, you are always keen to hear about new and creative ideas to promote small groups, so how about trying this simple idea. Most faith communities have a time during the worship service where they encourage people to ‘meet and greet’. During this time ask people to stand if they […]

How to Prevent Small Group Meltdowns

I worked in construction one summer break when I was in high school. It was hard work, I got a great tan, and I was sporting some serious muscles when school started up again. But I also learned a valuable lesson, called “measure twice, cut once.” While this lesson was about cutting wood, the universal principle was that […]

The Best Recipe Ever!

The Best Recipe Ever? Ingredients for successful leader’s meetings. My family migrated to Australia from England when I was 7 years old. Some of my most powerful memories of England were connected to my Nana. She was a fun, warm lady who loved to bake.  One treat she used to bake was simply called ‘crunch’. I […]

Small Group Ministry Leadership Lessons My Dad Taught Me

Growing up, I never thought we were poor and yet the truth is, we didn’t have a lot of money. We did have love, friends, family, and a church family – but the happiness of my childhood was never measured in gifts or activities or living in nice houses. I never once thought about inheriting […]

The Value of a Diverse Small Group

I have a diverse group of folks in my small group.  And by diverse I mean: single dating married divorced in college doctorate degree(s) masters degree jobless fitness nuts fitness haters no church background legalistic church background mature in their faith not a follower of Christ yet young old stay-at-home moms working moms past addiction issues […]

Stretchy Pants…They’re For Fun!

I have to admit something to you, and it’s kind of embarrassing. I mean being a forty-one year old man I shouldn’t be this embarrassed, but it takes a lot for me to say this, I love wearing spandex. I know, weird right? But if you put it in the context of why, maybe you’ll […]

7 Ways to Celebrate Small Group Leaders

Celebrate! I recently had an ‘aha’ moment. I realised I had made significant personal growth in a particular area of my life. As this sunk in I physically felt myself stand taller, and heard that little voice inside my head say….’well done’. ‘Good job’. ‘It was worth the effort’. I felt great. However a deeper […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director



Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.