7 Ways to Care for your Ministry that Require Zero Talent

Each Small Group Semester brings a different set off challenges and goals I look to strive for. I will aways set a new numerical goal for groups, next steps emphasis and I always look for a few areas that need improvement within my role. It seemed that almost every semester I circled “better care” for my leaders and those I serve with. For a while I thought it was a talent or ability I needed to work on, but before long I saw that most of my team’s care was founded on effort. It doesn’t take a special talent, ability, or even experience obtained over years to properly care for your team. The following are 7 ways to care for your ministry team that require zero talent.

Block out 30 minutes each week or bi-weekly (whichever fits your ministry flow best) to write an email to all of your Small Group Leaders.  Some weeks you will need to communicate vital information, while others you may simply share a helpful blogpost, celebrate a particular groups big “win” or thank your leaders for their heart to serve! The point isn’t always to communicate information, it is to consistently remind them that you are thinking of them and praying for them.

Honor the time of those who serve with you. As a ministry leader, it is important to start and end informational meetings on time. Show up early, stay late.

Sweat the small details while preparing for a meeting, email or training event. As ministry leaders, we know that we will often return a smaller percentage of what we invest. Maximize your investment in your preparation, as you ready for each moment with your team. Even if your efforts feel unnoticed, know they will create memorable moments.

Your team will quickly disband if they are unable to feel a personal connection with you. Make a point to be present before and after church, make your phone number available and/ or give out your personal email. Being available is half the battle of establishing a level of care.


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We all have that friend that lets an email or text message sit for days without responding. Life can be busy, but don’t let that get in the way of properly caring for someone. If someone took the time to email you, it means the subject is important to them. If it’s important to them, it should be to you. Let them know your level of care by responding on time.

I can send personal emails for the rest of my life and I will not get the same response for the handwritten notes that I have already mailed. Personal touches are few and far between for many within our churches and it’s important to show we care about what they are doing for Christ’s kingdom.

Breathtaking moments occur when they are unexpected. Think of ways to go beyond what is expected and what has become predictable. How can you care for your church and it’s leaders in a way that neither would expect?

I know these steps of action can help you better care for your team and help you achieve a healthier Small Group culture.


  • John Tyler Black

    JT is the Small Groups Pastor at Stevens Creek Church in Augusta, GA. He enjoys connecting families with others and the local church. When he is away from the desk, he enjoys being with his family and all things basketball.

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Daniel Thomas

Connections Director



Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



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