Effective Ministry Leaders are Thieves
Recently, I heard my friend Mike Draper say that there are three types of football coaches: innovators, thieves, and the unemployed. He admitted he was no innovator, but he still has a job. In fact, he and his team are doing quite well. His secret? He is a skillful thief! Similarly, Rick Warren says, “If […]
Top 5 Lessons for Building A Small Group Ministry
We are blessed to own an older single-family home in a lovely suburb in Ottawa, Ontario. On the surface, it truly is a beautiful place to raise our family. On the outside, everything looks perfect. But I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It isn’t. This home was built in 1970, and […]
Grow Your Ministry By Growing Your Leaders
Leaders are Built not Found I first heard that quote from Craig Groeschel, lead pastor of LifeChurch. He brought it up in the context of turning the congregation into leaders for Christ in the community. Like so many other great nuggets we get from pastors like Craig, Rick Warren and more, I immediately applied it […]
Nurturing the Small Group Soil of the Church
Our article here will be the end of our series on The Other Half of Church, a book written by Jim Wilder and Michael Hendricks which explores how brain science is key to understanding our relational and spiritual growth. Since late 2021, our discussion on the brain science of relationships and small groups has been enlightening […]
Our Royal Motto: Serving Small Groups in 3 Steps
Much of the world has been brought together through the death of Queen Elizabeth II. After a 70-year reign, the longest in British history, many are mourning her passing and remembering her significant accomplishments. How did she stay at the task for that long? How did she remain faithful for all those years? To understand […]
The Power of Effective Bible Teachers
We desperately need an army of Effective Bible Teachers. What is an Effective Bible Teacher? An Effective Bible Teacher teaches so that people live according to the Bible. Effective Bible Teachers create doers of the Word and not hearers only. Effective Bible Teachers make disciples. Effective Bible Teachers result in classes that pray, people who […]
The Key to Growing Irresistible Small Groups
With new small group events right around the corner, it’s easy to get caught up in the “I” dotting and “T” crossing of our current season. For those of us who fish for group leaders, group members and community builders this time of year, the forest is easily lost in the trees. We’ve all heard the […]
4 Tips to Safely Vent at Your Small Group
Four tips on how to safely unload stresses and frustrations without hurting yourself, others, and your God. This side of eternity, people are going to vent. I know that’s so shocking to you, but it’s true. Think about the past few years with the pandemic, governmental and organizational failures, and fallen leaders. The cost of […]
8 FREE Tools to Help Your Ministry Succeed
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3 Steps to Build Sticky Small Groups
Since the pandemic, our lives have been deeply disrupted. We were forced to make sudden and significant changes. With so many interruptions to daily life, lots of people started to reevaluate so many things. Where and how they work. How to take care of family. Where and how they spend their time. And a natural […]