Embracing Diversity: 3 Tips for Leading Diverse Groups

For small group point people, the line, we’re better together, is not a catchy tagline, it is a core value of small group ministry. How you apply that core value is different in each of your communities. For some, applying the idea of doing life together means finding people like you, those who look like […]

Building Authentic Relationships: 4 Small Group Tips from 1 Thessalonians

Every disciple is called to make more disciples, and small groups are in the trenches of discipleship making. Small groups are fantastic places to learn, but more importantly, they are the best place to build authentic relationships and learn together. Creating an environment that elevates authentic relationships is a challenge, but a great example can […]

T.E.A.M. [The 4 Attributes of a Small Group Leader]

Leadership development is hard; both in business and in churches. Small group point people across the country are struggling with the same question, “how do I find more leaders?” As our church grows, the need for more groups and group leaders grow as well. It’s easy to simply fill the gap with anyone we can […]

4 Steps for a New Small Group Point Person

Congratulations! You are the new Small Group Point Person for your church. Now what? Small groups are a great way to help people across your church get connected, both to Christ and with each other. Small groups can help your church develop future leaders and create a pathway for spiritual formation. Small groups can do […]

Building a Healthy Team of Small Group Leaders

How does a small group point person become a leader of leaders? Each small group point person faces the challenge of building a group of leaders who are gifted, willing and able to be part of their small group ministry. This challenge isn’t always straightforward; great small group leaders don’t always appear at your doorstep! […]

5 Ways to Get Prepared for 2018

Are you prepared for 2018? January is almost over, but it’s not too late to craft a strong plan for the rest of the year. Here are 5 ways to prepare for 2018: Evaluate Where You Are At Every set of directions include a starting point. It’s hard to chart a path if you don’t […]

4 Steps to Create a Thriving Environment for Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is a process that involves genuine change in a person’s knowledge of and relationship with Christ. The process is ongoing and the goal is that each person positively influences others along the way. Small group ministries are often the strategy for spiritual formation in the church. Small group point people don’t want to […]

Same Team: 3 Reasons to Network with Other Small Group Point People

As a new small group point person, the idea of creating community can be overwhelming. Perhaps there is a poor history with small groups in your church, or you’re struggling to find the needed support for the small group ministry. Maybe you have the needed support, but not the knowledge or track record of small […]

5 Benefits of Using the Small Group Network App

As a small group point person, you’re always looking for another resource. Typically, we are the only one at our church that does what we do. It’s our responsibility to find out best practices, and identify the new trends to get people connected using groups. From huddles to podcast, the Small Group Network has the […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director



Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.