7 Ways to Supplement Your Small Group Ministry
Start a “Huddle” this month & receive FREE swag! “Huddles” are like small groups for small group point people & are found all over the world! Upon registering your Huddle online, we will mail you official SGN swag & one of our leaders will follow up with you to provide you with all the support […]
Saddleback’s Top Ten Small Group Ministry Commitments
Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! Over the years we have been asked for guidance about starting, leading, and sustaining a healthy small group ministry. Trust me when I tell you, we haven’t always done it right, nor have we figured it […]
Do You Have a W.I.G?
Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! Did you know that wig can mean a few different things? As you were reading this you probably thought of a head covering, but this blog isn’t about that. It can also mean to rebuke someone, […]
Construye Tus Grupos Pequeños Alrededor De Los Propósitos De Dios
Usted cree en grupos pequeños. Crees en pequeños grupos que abarcan y cumplen los cinco propósitos bíblicos. Pero, ¿cómo usted, como un pastor, implementa esa tarea dentro de todos los grupos pequeños en su iglesia? No importa si sus grupos se reúnen en hogares, negocios o en su iglesia. No importa si sus grupos son […]
Identifying and Recruiting New Leaders [Podcast]
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/9165350/height/360/theme/standard/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/” height=”360″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”standard”] A panel discussion on how to overcome the typical barriers of getting new leaders, and how to identify, invite, and recruit new people to lead groups. Group Talk Podcast Panelists: Bill Search – Author of “Essential Guide for Small Group Leaders” and “Simple Small Groups” and serves as Executive […]
Top 50 Photos from the Lobby Gathering 2019
Grow as a leader, strengthen your team & accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending the “Accelerate” D.C. Small Group Workshop! Lock in Super-Early Bird Price for a limited time!
Small Groups For Singles [Podcast]
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/8772731/height/26/theme/standard-mini/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”] Between people marrying at older ages or never marrying, co-habitation, and divorce rates, there is a large increasing population of singles in our churches spanning several decades. Yet, singles often report feeling lonely, isolated, or stigmatized in the church which typically focus on marriages and families. So how can we serve […]
Cómo Conectar A Cada Persona En Tu Iglesia A Un Grupo Pequeño
¿Cómo ayudas a la gente de tu iglesia a que se conecte? ¿Cómo te encuentras con ellos según dónde están? Tu iglesia solo estará tan conectada cómo tú sueñes que este y que tan comprometido(a) estes por orar por ellos. Si tienes el 30 por ciento, sueña con el día en que llegarás al 35 […]
Steve Gladen: Making Key Decisions for Critical Impact [PODCAST]
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/8409515/height/26/theme/standard-mini/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”] This podcast focuses on some key decisions that will have a critical impact on shaping the values, strategies, and culture of your groups ministry for years to come. Steve is the Global Pastor of Small Groups at Saddleback Church since 1998. He oversees the strategic launch and development of over […]
Diez Cosas Que Debes Tomar En Cuenta Antes De Comenzar Un Ministerio De Grupos Pequeños.
¿Estás comenzando un ministerio de grupos pequeños, o estás pensando en renovar la estrategia de un ministerio de grupos pequeños que ya existe? Aquí están algunos puntos que tal vez podrías considerar antes de seguir adelante: 1. ¡TEN CERTEZA A DÓNDE VAS! Cuando miras a un creyente, un seguidor de Cristo en tu iglesia, ¿cómo […]