Prepping the Soil of your Small Group Ministry
The house that my wife and I bought just over a year ago now has a wonderful little garden plot off to the side of the house. The previous owners had done a great job making it a place that will be great to grow vegetables. However, our first summer there we were just acclimating […]
Embracing Diversity: 3 Tips for Leading Diverse Groups
For small group point people, the line, we’re better together, is not a catchy tagline, it is a core value of small group ministry. How you apply that core value is different in each of your communities. For some, applying the idea of doing life together means finding people like you, those who look like […]
What Should Groups Study? w/ Chris Surratt
[podcast src=”” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]Topic: A question we frequently field from our small group leaders is, “What should we study?” There is an overwhelming range of materials and topics to choose from and it is critical to choose curriculum wisely. What a group chooses to study has a significant impact on group dynamics and […]
Rick Warren: Why You Need the Safety Net of a Small Group
With close to 30,000 weekend attenders across all 19 campuses, Saddleback church is proud of the fact that they have more people in small groups than actually attend on the weekends! Enjoy this quick video of Pastor Rick Warren sharing why everyone needs the safety net of a small group! Enjoy the southern hospitality […]
Its More than Missional: The 5 Verbs Your Groups Need to Live Out
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued […]
Building Authentic Relationships: 4 Small Group Tips from 1 Thessalonians
Every disciple is called to make more disciples, and small groups are in the trenches of discipleship making. Small groups are fantastic places to learn, but more importantly, they are the best place to build authentic relationships and learn together. Creating an environment that elevates authentic relationships is a challenge, but a great example can […]
Downloadable Resources to Help Start Your Church’s Small Groups
Learn how to start a small group ministry at your church with these great tools!
Free Market Groups, Semester-Based Groups & Reaching Millennials: An Inside Look at National Community Church’s Innovative Culture [PODCAST]
[podcast src=”” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]This month, we take a look inside one of the most innovative “teaching churches” in America, National Community Church in Washington DC. They are well-known for establishing “Free market groups,” semester-based groups, and effectively reaching millennials in a transitory urban environment. Guest: Laura Holland Bio: Laura Holland has been serving as […]
New People Need New Groups
In his new book Planning Small Groups with Purpose, Steve Gladen asks this question, “What is your plan for connecting people into groups?” This is obviously one of the biggest questions any small group point person needs to answer. When formulating your plan, the underlying truth to keep in mind is that new people need […]
Lead from Authoritative Vulnerability
I continue to reflect on Priya Parker’s excellent book, The Art of Gathering. In my last post, I talked about her principle that gathering is about people not just a checklist of logistics. But once we have the people in our midst, how do we lead? Parker suggests that the best hosts lead from a […]