Becoming a Discerning Leader
I was recently challenged by a quote by Ruth Haley Barton: The spiritual leader is distinguished by his or her commitment and ability to guide the discernment process so the community can affirm a shared sense of God’s desire for them and move forward on that basis (Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership). I don’t […]
The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership [Podcast]
[podcast src=”” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]Q Do you desire to be the best leader you can be? Would you like to strengthen the weaker areas of your leadership? Do you want to influence people like never before and help elevate your team to new heights? If your answer is “Yes,” then you’ve come to the right place! Jenni Catron […]
Stop Wasting Your Time
By Allen White Have you ever thought about how you might be wasting your own time? You see the problem with most pastors and leaders is they are multi-talented. The problem with being multi-talented is that we tend to depend on ourselves and not bring other people into the equation. For instance, if you write […]
Help, We’re Launching a Campaign and I Need Group Leaders
We’ve all been there, there’s a need and a vision to meet that need, and now it’s time to execute. Execution is tough, but it’s where the rubber meets the road. Simon Sinek encourages, in his great book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, for success we must start with […]
Dealing with Disappointment in Community
Last month, I wrote a blog about Bonhoeffer’s challenge to us about not approaching community with our list of demands, but rather to enter into community as thankful recipients of what God has already done. But even when we do not demand our vision for community but gratefully receive where God has placed us and […]
Groups Where Grace is in Place
By Dr. Bill Donahue “It was my first time attending the group meeting, but I have to admit it, it felt more like a job interview. I was thinking, ‘Do these people like me? Do I like them? What if they really knew me? Would they invite me back? Would I trust my secrets to […]
Steve Gladen: 7 Ways to Lead Effective Small Group Ministry When Your Pastor May Not Be On Board [Podcast]
Q How do you change culture & lead effective small group ministry when your lead pastor or senior leadership may not be entirely on board? How can you align your small groups (House to house movement) to compliment your weekend services (Temple courts)? If you or anyone on your team is wrestling with these questions, you’ve come […]
6 Reflections on Community Inspired by Bonhoeffer
My church has recently launched a series on community called Better Together. In conjunction with the sermon series, I, in collaboration with my senior pastor, wrote a small group curriculum to compliment the series. I love community, which is why I love small groups. Like many of you, I work hard on our small group […]
5 Encouragements from a Fellow Small Group Ministry Struggler
5 Encouragements from a Fellow Small Group Ministry Struggler By Michael C. Mack As someone who has been a small group and discipleship ministry leader—in small to mega churches, in churches just starting groups to those with a settled program—I’m familiar with some of the struggles you face: Listless leaders: Someone accurately described the job […]
Small Groups vs Support Groups: What’s the Difference? Part 1 [Podcast]
[podcast src=”” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]Q What is the difference between small groups and support groups? How do we care for the people in our small groups in ways that are healthy without becoming therapists for them? How do we keep small groups on track for their intended purpose? If you or anyone on your team […]