The Power of Food and Community Formation
Food and small groups. To many of us they are probably inseparable. You can’t have a small group without food (it is after all the S of Saddleback’s HOST model). And where there is food, there is probably a small group. But why? Have you ever stopped to consider the power of food in both […]
Time For a Physical…
80-120… 120-140… To most people, these numbers don’t mean much, but to me, as a Type 2 Diabetic they mean everything. 80-120 is the normal range my blood sugar level (BSL) should be, and 120-140 is the range my BSL should be after a meal. I have to test my blood sugar levels multiple times […]
7 Ways to Celebrate Small Group Leaders
Celebrate! I recently had an ‘aha’ moment. I realised I had made significant personal growth in a particular area of my life. As this sunk in I physically felt myself stand taller, and heard that little voice inside my head say….’well done’. ‘Good job’. ‘It was worth the effort’. I felt great. However a deeper […]
Longevity in Leadership
Burnout is a very real problem for many ministry leaders. I know because I’ve been there. If you aren’t careful, burnout can be a devastating experience that could lead to quitting ministry altogether. God has brought me through more than one season where I needed to do some housework in my own ministry. As leaders, it is so […]
Three Breakthrough Ideas from the Global Small Group Movement
Every month small group ministry leaders are meeting around the world, finding fellowship and wisdom with other ministry leaders in their community. What they’re actually discovering in Small Group Network huddles is that we are better together. Here are three quick ideas from worldwide small group huddles that your small group ministry can take advantage […]