6 Questions You Need to Ask Small Group Leaders
Meeting with small group leaders is one of the most impactful things you can do as a small groups point person. Group leaders need care, coaching, and encouragement to stay in the game. While we all know this to be true, have you ever walked away from a one-on-one meeting with a leader and though, […]
The 2 Main Questions a Group Leader is Always Asking
The people we lead have big jobs to do. No matter how accessible we make the role of a group leader or host, at some point, everyone realizes that serving others gets complex. Just think about all the questions that run through a group leader’s mind as they try to lead and care for the […]
3 Simple Strategies to Increase Dialogue in Groups
As a small group point person, you understand the complexities of building strong community and how intricate a process that is. However, you also want to put simple, easy-to-implement tools in the hands of your small group leaders. Some groups benefit from a nudge in the right direction. One change or addition can open a […]
Two Questions That Every Small Group Point Person Should Be Asking
As a small group point person, you know to ask what’s happening in groups. It’s the only way to know how best to help. What topics are you discussing? What is the next study you’re planning? What is your attendance like? What is the number of new people you can take? But if that’s the […]
6 Quick Questions to Value Volunteers
I love sports and believe that it teaches great things like teamwork, overcoming adversity, and how to deal with success and failure. These are all super important and I believe worthwhile reasons for my children to play. I value our town rec league. It provides me an opportunity to support our local community and meet […]