10 Ways to Build Leadership Lifelines
The relationships that leaders have with others who serve in a similar capacity as they do need to be nurtured in a team format. Healthy interconnectedness among leaders results in a sticky small group ministry. If leaders stick and grow…healthy members will follow. If members stick and grow…the church flourishes. This demonstrates itself through consistent […]
10 Step Coaching Checklist
We’ve all heard it before: “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” The reason this statement is so broadly known is because it is true. When you truly care about your group leaders—their families, jobs, health, group, or their future with a timely word of encouragement, call, […]
20 Coaching Commitments for 2020
Less than 15 spots left! Connect with & learn from some of the brightest small group point people from around the world at the “Lobby Gathering” 2020 Small Group networking event! For more info or to register, click HERE I have the privilege of serving as a small group coach (what we call a Community Leader) […]
3 Preventable Reasons Why Small Group Coaches Struggle
Taking the lead with community-building is hard work. It’s messy, and ironically, it can feel very lonely. Over the years, Small Group Point People (SGPP) have shared their struggles with me along with the people who partner with them in looking after a church’s group leadership. The most common terms for these strategic helpers are […]
Saddleback’s Top Ten Small Group Ministry Commitments
Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! Over the years we have been asked for guidance about starting, leading, and sustaining a healthy small group ministry. Trust me when I tell you, we haven’t always done it right, nor have we figured it […]
Rick Warren: Small Groups & the Coming Societal Trends (Part 1)
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/9508130/height/60/theme/standard/thumbnail/no/direction/forward/” height=”60″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”standard”] Pastor Rick Warren was this year’s keynote speaker at the “Lobby Gathering,” one of the nation’s premier small group training events. To listen to part 1 of this 2 part exclusive podcast, just click the play button above to enjoy this insightful discussion! To subscribe to our Group Talk […]
20 Small Group Quotes by Rick Warren
Lock in SUPER EARLY BIRD price by July 3rd! Pastor Rick Warren was this year’s keynote speaker at the “Lobby Gathering,” one of the nation’s premier small group training events. Enjoy his top 20 quotes relating to small group ministry. “What the world needs more than anything else in our society today is the antidote […]
5 Keys to Creating Great Curriculum
#1. Always start with the end in mind. Where do you want to lead your group members? What steps do they need to take to get there? Make each step a lesson. #2. Back each lesson with Scripture. The Bible is God’s Word to us (2 Timothy 3:16). God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews […]
Top 5 Podcasts of 2018
2018 was an incredible year for the Small Group Network! One of our Top 11 Highlights of 2018 was that our “Group Talk” Podcast surpassed 100,000 downloads! A big thank you to our Host and Director of Podcast Communications Carolyn Taketa, our Producer and Creative Arts Director Jason Banzhoff and to every special guest who interviewed! Here […]
How Did You Do? Reflecting On Your 2018 [PODCAST]
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/7861820/height/26/theme/standard-mini/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]Guest: Reid Smith Topic: How did you do? Year-end review of your church, ministry, and self. Why reflect on the past year what to evaluate? Measuring progress – hard versus soft data How do you know if group life and community is in the culture of the church? What are […]