The Top 5 Posts of 2016
I love a good “best of” post. Whether you’re looking for the “best gifs,” the “best celebrity fails,” the “best travel destinations,” or the “top 5 ways to get rid of that foot fungus” (here’s to you, Steve Gladen :-)), we all love a summary of the best. Which is why I particularly love the […]
Time For a Physical…
80-120… 120-140… To most people, these numbers don’t mean much, but to me, as a Type 2 Diabetic they mean everything. 80-120 is the normal range my blood sugar level (BSL) should be, and 120-140 is the range my BSL should be after a meal. I have to test my blood sugar levels multiple times […]
Merry Christmas from Steve Gladen and the Small Group Network
3 Ways to Keep Jesus First at Christmas
Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year! If you’re like me, you’re very busy around this time. As we serve in ministry we can forget one of the challenges of this season is not allowing busyness to lure us away from what really matters—Jesus. I know it sounds cliché, but it really […]
3 Values to Cling to in a Busy Season
No one is immune to the many demands of life. Everyone has a busy season. You would think the more active we are the more we would rely on God. Unfortunately, that’s often not the case. When the demands of ministry, work, family, and more weigh on us we often lean more on our own […]
Receiving in the Midst of so Much Giving
Recently during a staff devotional, my senior pastor was leading us through discussion on the announcement regarding the birth of John the Baptist found in Luke 1:5-25. If you are not familiar with the story, here is a summary: Zechariah, a priest from the line of Aaron, and his wife are both described as “upright […]
7 Ways Your Group Can Celebrate this Holiday Season
Written by Michael C. Mack The holidays are coming. What is your small group’s plan? NOW is the time to start planning! Many groups struggle with meeting and studying over the holidays, and this can be detrimental to the health of your group. Not only that, but this is a prime time of the year to […]
Small Group Leadership Essentials with Carolyn Taketa
Q Do you need some encouragement, fresh strategies and practical advice as a small group point person? If your answer is “Yes,” then you’ve come to the right place! Carolyn Taketa is the Executive Director of Small Groups at Calvary Community Church in West Lake Village, CA. She is the author for such publishers as “Christianity […]
Why Differences Destroy Some Groups
Here in America the recent election has caused disruption between and within communities. It reminded us that differences in opinions can grow into disruptions of community. Small Group Network’s international membership is likely not experiencing this in the same way. But we are all familiar with the lurking questions that create dissonance. The dynamic of […]
Stretchy Pants…They’re For Fun!
I have to admit something to you, and it’s kind of embarrassing. I mean being a forty-one year old man I shouldn’t be this embarrassed, but it takes a lot for me to say this, I love wearing spandex. I know, weird right? But if you put it in the context of why, maybe you’ll […]