4 Pivotal Questions Small Group Point People Should Ask
I learnt today that one of my son’s favourite actors Christian Bale (aka Batman!) will play the lead role in an upcoming biopic based on the life of Dick Cheney. The film does not yet have a title or release date but I am very keen to see how Bale, who apparently is unrecognisable, (as himself!) undertakes the […]
3 Simple Strategies to Increase Dialogue in Groups
As a small group point person, you understand the complexities of building strong community and how intricate a process that is. However, you also want to put simple, easy-to-implement tools in the hands of your small group leaders. Some groups benefit from a nudge in the right direction. One change or addition can open a […]
12 Keys To An Effective H.O.S.T. Ask
The H.O.S.T. Ask can be a “game-changer call-to-action” for churches desiring to connect every person in their local body in biblical community. It’s a signature move reserved only for the Lead Pastor during a weekend service. If executed strategically, it can draw in willing vessels who are hidden in crowd. This one move can supercharge […]
Small Group Point People: 3 Ways to Steward Your Influence
Influence is “the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others.” We all have the power to positively influence others, and the best kind of leadership is the leadership you give away. It’s when you use your influence to […]
SMALL GROUP IN A BOX: Recruiting Leaders You Do Not Want To Miss
A trend in recruiting group leaders you do not want to miss! By: Gina Abbas If you’ve been on social media lately there is a recruiting trend Small Group point people are going crazy about! It’s a Group in a Box. It’s basically a snazzy box filled with everything you need to launch a small […]
5 Apps that are Actually Useful for Helping Small Group Point People to Lead Well
Ready to get organized? Here are five apps that aren’t going to waste your time and just might make you a little more productive.
3 Reasons to Highly Anticipate Steve Gladen’s New Book
With almost 20 years of leading small groups at Saddleback, when Steve Gladen (the founder of the Small Group Network) speaks or writes, we are wise to listen. Many of us have greatly benefitted from his wisdom whether through his previous books, through the Small Group Network, or through the conference he and his team […]
5 Benefits of Using the Small Group Network App
As a small group point person, you’re always looking for another resource. Typically, we are the only one at our church that does what we do. It’s our responsibility to find out best practices, and identify the new trends to get people connected using groups. From huddles to podcast, the Small Group Network has the […]
5 Lessons Learned from This Past Year That Every Small Group Point Person Needs to Consider
The end and start of a church fiscal year is a great time to evaluate and plan for a new year. For me, that time is right now, which coincides with the launch of a new season of small groups. I have been spending time reflecting, thinking, and praying over what I have learned, but […]
Creating Group Clarity
Imagine these people are attending a new small group, they do not really know each other or have any significant background about one another. Paul -his group experience has been one where the leader did everything Karen and Joe – have never been in a small group Sue – in her last group, leadership was […]