Two Christmas Characters Who Can Challenge Your Small Group Ministry.
In this blog I want to encourage you to reflect on two of the central figures in the Christmas story; Mary and Joseph. Nothing new there you think to yourself, that’s what I normally do at Christmas time! However, this year I would like you to take the time to specifically reflect on their individual […]
How To Craft a Small Group Agreement [PODCAST]
Everyone enters a new small group with spoken and unspoken expectations. Small group agreements or covenants are a helpful tool to discuss and establish the primary goals of the group as well as important guidelines for group members. We will discuss the process of establishing an agreement and the essential elements which need to be […]
How To Craft a Small Group Agreement [PODCAST]
Everyone enters a new small group with spoken and unspoken expectations. Small group agreements or covenants are a helpful tool to discuss and establish the primary goals of the group as well as important guidelines for group members. We will discuss the process of establishing an agreement and the essential elements which need to be […]
14 Missional Christmas Ideas for your Small Group
Today I went shopping, not an unusual thing for me! However what was unusual was what I saw……..Christmas displays already in many stores! Yes it is getting close to that time of year again! I don’t know about you but I find that I have to proactively work against getting caught up in this busy, […]
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters [PODCAST]
This month’s group talk podcast features an insightful discussion regarding the book “The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters” by Priya Parker. Host Carolyn Taketa joins joins special guests Nick Lenzi (Dinner Group Director) & Andrew Camp (Former chef) to discuss the art of gathering. Andrew Camp is currently the […]
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters [PODCAST]
This month’s group talk podcast features an insightful discussion regarding the book “The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters” by Priya Parker. Host Carolyn Taketa joins joins special guests Nick Lenzi (Dinner Group Director) & Andrew Camp (Former chef) to discuss the art of gathering. Andrew Camp is currently the […]
5 Tips For Building Bridges With Immigrants In Your Community
Stephen Covey once said “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” With that in mind, I have become more keenly aware how diverse our own communities are growing with immigrants from around the world. Beautiful people who are struggling to navigate a whole new set of behaviors and norms in different cultures. I am reminded […]
4 Things Jesus Wants for Community Builders
One of the most rewarding roles in the local church is serving as the point leader for small groups because you get to be a catalyst for growing the kind of community we see in Acts 2:42-47. However, I’ve found it can be one of the loneliest roles on the planet. Ironic, isn’t it? The […]
8 Approaches When Dealing with a “Discussion Dominator”
Most groups have one or two people who tend to dominate small group discussion times and seem to have all the answers to the questions! They tend to speak first, with much authority and sometimes can be so intimidating that others do not participate and instead take a back seat. So how do we train […]
Downloadable Resources to Help Start Your Church’s Small Groups
Learn how to start a small group ministry at your church with these great tools!