The Oreo Method of Discipleship

All throughout the book of Acts, we see the Early Church replicate themselves. Disciples make disciples and growing people grow people! I would even suggest that the life change happens, when we grow together, and we catch glimpses of the work God is doing with this process of discipleship. Wouldn’t you agree? Discipleship is all about a process not a program, and I love that God chooses to use us to be a part of it!

Now, from here on out, you may never think of an Oreo in the same way again. So, I want to give you a fair warning.

I like to think about discipleship like an Oreo.

A true Oreo cookie has three parts. Two cookies and one filling.

Whether you are a cookie lover or a filling lover, you play a vital role in discipleship. In fact, I’d argue that both cookie lovers and filling lovers are needed for this explanation.

One side of the cookie represents who is DISCIPLING YOU. Who is pouring into you? Who is challenging you?

The other side represents who YOU ARE DISCIPLING or who you are pouring into. Who are you giving back to? Who are you investing in?

You are the icing. You are right smackdab in the middle of both the receiving and pouring out.

Just as a true oreo has all of these parts, so too does a disciple. Discipleship is both giving and receiving. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (NIV). Discipleship is a non-negotiable element of what it means to be a Christian and you are probably discipling in ways you don’t even know you are doing! The thing about discipleship is that it needs to be intentional but not complicated!


Spend some time thinking this week about

  • Who am I investing in?
  • Who is challenging and pouring into me?
  • Who do I need to pour into?

I think one of the secrets to multiplying our groups is found in the Oreo method. Could it be that maybe we spend so much time focusing on who we are discipling and not enough on who is discipling us? Or maybe it’s the reverse. When we focus on discipling others and being discipled, we fulfill The Great Commission.

So, the next time you are asked, “How do I multiply my group?” Grab an oreo, and walk them through the process.


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  • Kiersten Telzerow

    Kiersten Telzerow lives in the Washington, D.C area with her husband, Matt, and their goldendoodle named Luna! Kiersten serves as the Small Group Director at one of the campuses at National Community Church and is a Master of Divinity student at Wesley Seminary through Indiana Wesleyan University. She loves being in community with people and learning about their stories. When Kiersten is not studying, her favorite thing to do is spending time with family and friends, trying new coffees, attending leadership conferences, or reading a new book. She loves all things small groups and believes that we were never meant to exist alone - community is always better!

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Daniel Thomas

Connections Director


Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



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