4 Scientific Reasons Small Groups Should Practice Gratitude
1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Gratitude is central to our walk as Christians. We see the important role it plays in relating with God and others. In our modern age we have the benefit of science, […]
4 Ways to Speak Your Team’s Love Languages
Have you ever read about Five Love Languages? While it’s usually a tool used to strengthen marriages, at its core it’s just about how different people receive love in different ways. So this November, as we all get our friendly yearly reminder to thank our leaders and hosts in big, meaningful, extravagant ways, let’s take […]
Do Your Leaders Have the Gratitude Attitude?
I was speaking to a friend recently about a particularly hard time in his life. Work was a mess, there were family curve balls, and he had some friends who betrayed him. There was almost nothing left to go wrong. Until that final thing went wrong. “I was turning into a cranky old man […]