How Will You Help Your Groups Cultivate an Attitude of Worshipful Submission?
For this question I want to expand on the traditional definition of worship. Here it means complete submission to the Holy Spirit, total surrender, including sacrifice of the junk that is in us. The small group point person is the starting point for worshipful submission throughout the ministry. Our example trickles down through our leadership, so […]
The Secret to Leading an Amazing Small Group
If you are reading this article, two things are probably true: 1. You are leading, or part of, a small group.2. You are feeling not as qualified to lead or help a small group as you’d like. And before you get mad at me, let me tell you a secret: I don’t feel qualified to […]
Steve Gladen: Small Group Health VS Numerical Growth
All Types of Churches to Reach All Types of People A very small church may be very healthy; a very large church may be very unhealthy. This is also true of small group ministries—size is not indicative of health. When we have shared what works for us at Saddleback, sometimes the response is, “Sure, that works […]
4 Summer Steps to Prepare for your Fall Small Group Launch
Summer is for long days with a lemonade by the pool… but you better start thinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes soon. In most contexts, Fall is the best season to launch new groups. People are returning from their summer travels and the school is kicking off. The seasons are changing and there is momentum here you […]
Trust – An Endangered Species? 4 Steps to Build Trust within your Groups
If trust has become an endangered species, how can we turn the tide towards restoration? It almost seems that the word trust has disappeared from our vocabulary. How often do you use or think the word trust in your daily experience? But perhaps more than disappearing from our language, trust is becoming more and more […]
Small Group Earthquake Plans
If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, it’s that we don’t know what’s next. So, your plans and preparations need to be like buildings made for an earthquake. The 2009 L’Aquila earthquake in Italy was devastating. It damaged thousands of buildings, both new and ancient, leaving 65,000 people homeless. The main reason for the extent […]
5 Ways to Follow up with Group Leaders
Get $100 off the “Lobby Gathering” 2021 – the nation’s premier small group networking event through November 30th! Connect with & learn from the brightest small group ministry leaders from around the nations for 3 days & 2 nights in SoCal at the stunning Capistrano Retreat Center. Price includes registration, lodging & most meals. Use […]
What to do if Someone in Your Small Group Dies
Accelerate the health and growth of your small group ministry as we come out of covid by attending our Accelerate! Arizona small group workshop with Steve Gladen October 6-7 in Phoenix! Get $70 off the current registration price by using code AZ70 (code good through Sept 8th) The longer you are involved in small groups […]
6 Steps to be a Peacemaker [Video]
In these tense days, the world desperately needs followers of Christ to be peacemakers. But how do we sow seeds of peace in the midst of chaos and confusion? In this message, Pastor Rick Warren shows how being a peacemaker begins with sowing peace in your relationships, and offers six biblical ways to do just […]
How to Cast Vision for Small Groups During Quarantine
Rick Warren of Saddleback church models how easy it is for Lead Pastors and Small Group Point People to cast vision for small groups during times of quarantine.