How to Start a Huddle

Congratulations on your desire to start a new Huddle!  The Small Group Network believes strongly in the importance of small group ministry leaders getting together a few times per year to share ideas, encouragement, and resources.  It is in the Huddle where you will find other like minded people who are experiencing the same challenges, […]

Lifeway Interviews Steve Gladen on Life-in-Community

Brian Daniel: In June 2015 we ran a post entitled Three Environments for Disciple-Making about three spaces, or environments, to consider in your mission of making disciples. The environments identified in this post were Life-on-Life, Life-in-Community, and Life-on-Mission. Rick Howerton and I have addressed notions of disciple-making environments on the Groups Matter podcast to some extent, but as […]

3 Powerful Sources of Leadership and How to Use Them By Dave Alford

One natural byproduct of the spiritual growth that people experience in small groups is a better understanding of who they are. They discover the uniqueness with which God made them, or their personhood. They discover the reason that God created them, or their purpose. They discover the definition of success in which they can invest […]

Two Key Qualities of Leaders in Ministry By Jay Daniell

Whether identifying a new Pastor, a new Ministry Leader or a new Small Group Leader, I have found two key ingredients necessary for success. Please don’t misunderstand; many variables come into play when identifying specific ministry leadership roles. But, if leadership candidates do not meet these two criteria, their leadership is doomed before they begin. […]

Creating the Conditions for Growing Groups By Andrew Mason

How important is it to see growing small groups in our churches? Christian Schwarz spearheaded a research project called Natural Church Development. The research center in Germany now has more than 20 million pieces of data about why churches grow and don’t grow. Schwarz says, “If we were to identify any one principle as the […]

Lead with Questions and Avoid Those Awkward Moments by Matt Graybill

Awkward conversations are the worst. I remember the first time I struck up enough courage to call a girl I liked on the phone. I am pretty sure I said hello and then waited a minute for her to say something. Sometimes small groups and leading small groups can be as awkward as a middle […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director


Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.