Merry Christmas from Steve Gladen and the Small Group Network
Top 10 Bible Verses for Small Groups
Part of the reason I feel called to small group ministry, and why I’ve made it my life mission to build healthy small group communities where I know life change happens, is because I’ve seen it work. I’ve seen first-hand the work that a healthy community does in a person’s and a family’s life. It’s […]
One Simple Step – Using Social Media as a Small Group Ministry Leader
Have you ever heard these questions? “How can I share small group ministry vision and ongoing training when I struggle to even get the leaders to gather together……..! What do you do to gather your leaders? What works well in your context? What creative ideas have you implemented?” Every time my SGN Huddle meets, questions […]
Three Breakthrough Ideas from the Global Small Group Movement
Every month small group ministry leaders are meeting around the world, finding fellowship and wisdom with other ministry leaders in their community. What they’re actually discovering in Small Group Network huddles is that we are better together. Here are three quick ideas from worldwide small group huddles that your small group ministry can take advantage […]
Small Group Lessons from Google
There is new research by Google that reveals profound discoveries about why some work groups thrive and others falter. The findings are fascinating because they provide empirical data from the business world that is relevant for the church, especially for those of us serving in small group ministry. I encourage you to check out the […]
Are Your Small Groups F.A.L.L. Ready?
In the western hemisphere, the leaves are beginning to turn red and gold as the fall season quickly arrives. Simultaneously, many churches across the globe are finalizing their preparations to launch dynamic small group ministry this month, that will in turn, mobilize their local congregations to enjoy Biblical community! So to all of you Small […]
What Do Leaders Need To Learn (Part 1)
Extraordinary leaders give their followers an example to follow, a purpose to live for, and values to live by. They do it by continually learning about three things. They become an example to follow by learning about who they are. They define a purpose to live for by learning about why they are here. They […]
How to Join the Small Group Network?
Thanks for your interest in the Small Group Network (SGN). The Small Group Network exists to support, encourage and resource Small Group Ministry Leaders. Specifically, our target audience is the person or team responsible for the overall success of that ministry in local Christian congregations. The SGN is a global network with people actively involved […]
The 5 Secrets of Highly Effective Leader Training – From Around the World (Part Deux)
We’ve been exploring the number one ministry challenge posed by leaders of small group ministries around the world, “How do I train our small group leaders so we get spiritually healthy small groups?” In this second in a five-part series we’ll look at another secret ingredient. 2. Leaders are not born, they’re raised Highly effective leader training raises […]
The Key to Producing Passion in Your Small Group Leaders By Jon Noto
The last thing any small group point person wants is an indifferent or even apathetic small group leader. John Maxwell once said, “People may teach what they know, but they reproduce what they are.” A small group leader who is burned out or checked out creates or attracts the same. Many in the leadership world […]