Culture Is The Key To Structure

With the holidays quickly approaching and a New Year on the horizon, this time of year can be a good chance to evaluate where you are as a small group ministry and begin to pray and cast vision for change. One of the areas I think needs to be the most fluid when it comes […]

Okay, You’ve Just Been Put In Charge Of Small Groups. Now What?

It’s one of those days when it feels like God just reached down and touched you. Your pastor has informed you that you are being given responsibility over the small group ministry in your church. Woohoo! Oh wait, you know very little about small groups, and you just said “yes?” What do you do now? […]

6 Reflections on Community Inspired by Bonhoeffer

My church has recently launched a series on community called Better Together. In conjunction with the sermon series, I, in collaboration with my senior pastor, wrote a small group curriculum to compliment the series. I love community, which is why I love small groups. Like many of you, I work hard on our small group […]

Small Group Lessons from Google

There is new research by Google that reveals profound discoveries about why some work groups thrive and others falter. The findings are fascinating because they provide empirical data from the business world that is relevant for the church, especially for those of us serving in small group ministry. I encourage you to check out the […]

The Only Basis for my Leadership

A few weeks ago, I invited some dear friends of mine, Matthew and Monica Green, to conduct some training for my small group leaders. They used 1 John 1 as their guiding text throughout the training. What I especially loved about what they shared is that they combined in such a seamless manner both a […]

3 Ways to Creatively Communicate with Your Small Group Hosts

Ever feel stuck in a communication rut, wondering if people are actually hearing you? This feeling is actually quite new, ushered in by the world of technology. Believe it or not, there was a time where if you sent something like an invitation or a greeting, you were practically guaranteed the people you wanted to […]

Tips for Caring for Ourselves by Andrew Camp

With today being the first official day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, I find it all too easy to already look past summer into the fall, when small groups will be back into full swing. After all I encouraged most of my leaders to take a break to replenish and care for themselves, so […]

3 Ways to Keep Small Groups Going in the Summer!

It’s officially summer in the Northern Hemisphere! It seems that the older we get the more power summer has to overwhelm us. As a small group leader this is something necessary to discuss with your small group hosts and participants. Summer doesn’t mess around. Things like kids being out of school, family vacations, beautiful weather, […]

Coaching Resource: 7 Ways to Suffocate Your Small Group

7 Ways to Suffocate Your Small Group Are you a new small group leader or host? Has your small group already launched and started rolling? Hopefully by now your group has gathered a few times, experienced genuine community and everyone is excited for the future! However, when it comes to leading a small group, there […]

Cheating Doesn’t Pay By Dave Alford

Another global automaker announced last week that it had been cheating on data provided to regulatory agencies. Mitsubishi reported that it had been overstating fuel mileage on its cars. Initially the company said that it had misreported mileage on 625,000 vehicles manufactured since 2013. Later it admitted that the problem had been going on much […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director


Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.