God is Always at Work By Andrew Camp

Being a small group point person is hard. The items on my to-do list seems to always be growing and never shrinking. Meetings; vision-casting; recruitment; curriculum; encouragement; conflict resolution; endless suggestions. And let’s not forget, you are part of a staff team, paid or volunteer, and you must constantly navigate those waters. I seem to […]

Cheating Doesn’t Pay By Dave Alford

Another global automaker announced last week that it had been cheating on data provided to regulatory agencies. Mitsubishi reported that it had been overstating fuel mileage on its cars. Initially the company said that it had misreported mileage on 625,000 vehicles manufactured since 2013. Later it admitted that the problem had been going on much […]

The 5 Secrets of Highly Effective Leader Training – From Around the World By Ron Wilbur

Recently I asked small group ministry leaders in five countries to share the most challenging issue facing their ministry this year. The most common response was the challenge of training leaders to get spiritually healthy small groups. In this five-part series we’ll uncover the secret sauce in highly effective small group leadership training, and some […]

5 Tips for Effective Leadership Meetings By Andrew Camp

Gathering your group together can be hugely beneficial to inspire and allow leaders to connect with one another. But effective meetings do not emerge, but require forethought and planning. Here are 5 tips I have learned from planning meetings with my small group leaders. Plan, set, and communicate the date well in advance. If the […]

Small Group HOST Gatherings at Saddleback Church

At Saddleback Church we call our rallies, “gatherings”. We use this time for vision casting, volunteer appreciation, and ministry recruitment. There is usually a sense of excitement and energy in the room because everyone is excited about what God is doing! In this video, Pastor Rick Warren talks about the value of small groups!

Perfect Leadership by Dave Alford

THE THREE INGREDIENTS FOR PERFECT LEADERSHIP Perfect leadership? Is that even possible? Perhaps not, but wouldn’t it be great to at least know what it looks like? Then we’d have a target to shoot for. Well, as it turns out, the Bible’s storyline begins with perfect leadership. It’s what God provided to Adam and Eve […]

Small Group Ministry Leader Resources By Jon Noto

As a small group ministry leader you likely face new challenges every season. It is when we are faced with particularly big challenges that we turn to one another in a network like this and ask for help. But what do you do on all the days you’re not facing a big trial? What are […]

International Huddles

When Steve Gladen began the Small Group Network, his goal was to connect other small group point people with one another to learn and enter into dialogue so that none of us in this role stand alone. What started as a few people has grown to a network of thousands, expanding beyond the borders of […]

20 Small Group Quotes from “The Lobby” 2016 By Derek Olson

The largest global network of small group ministry leaders, the “Small Group Network,” annually hosts “The Lobby” small group conference in Southern California. Here are the top 20 quotes I’ve heard so far this week… Small group ministry is more of an art than a science. – Steve Gladen Leaders gather, coaches pursue. Craft strategic questions […]

Wanted: Authentic Community By Judy Colegrove

Small groups are all about leading people into a deeper relationship with Christ and with one another. But what if your group members haven’t really connected?  How can you help them to move past superficial relationships and only showing up when it’s convenient, into a deeply committed, love relationship with Christ and one another? It […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director



Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.