Do You Have a W.I.G?

Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! Did you know that wig can mean a few different things? As you were reading this you probably thought of a head covering, but this blog isn’t about that. It can also mean to rebuke someone, […]

5 Ways to NOT Evaluate Group Health

Toward the end of each year, a lot of people become more reflective and begin to plan ahead for the year to come. Reflection done right is not a sentimental exercise, but a strategic one that will remind you of what the Lord has done, what to celebrate, and what you can improve. A lot […]

Finding a Fresh Perspective

The most pivotal moments in my life involved a change of perspective. Perspective is the lens through which we see the world. Your perspective directly affects your relationships with God, others and even yourself! Before knowing Jesus, I remember struggling to understand what the Bible was saying, but when I became a believer, I saw […]

3 Empowering Gifts of Accountability

I haven’t always been comfortable with the word “accountability.” It used to make me think of a person with a ledger who was critiquing my performance, recording the good and bad in my life and letting me know how well I was staying on track. Accountability felt impersonal and even burdensome. This, however, is not […]

4 Things Jesus Wants for Community Builders

One of the most rewarding roles in the local church is serving as the point leader for small groups because you get to be a catalyst for growing the kind of community we see in Acts 2:42-47. However, I’ve found it can be one of the loneliest roles on the planet. Ironic, isn’t it? The […]

6 Beliefs That Can Stunt Your Growth in Leadership

We all have acquired various beliefs that lay the foundation for how we lead our teams. Some of these beliefs are propelling you forward, while some are limiting your trajectory. What are these thoughts? How are they hindering your ministry? Here are six beliefs that can stunt your growth in leadership. YOU MUST BE THE […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director


Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.