Three Realities for Lead Pastors and Small Groups
It is a pleasant fiction to think that a small group ministry can soar in a church by delegating all of the responsibility to an Associate Pastor. A similar line of reasoning would contend that the Lead Pastor doesn’t need to worship because they have hired a worship leader to do that. Of course, nobody […]
7 Ways Your Group Can Celebrate this Holiday Season
Written by Michael C. Mack The holidays are coming. What is your small group’s plan? NOW is the time to start planning! Many groups struggle with meeting and studying over the holidays, and this can be detrimental to the health of your group. Not only that, but this is a prime time of the year to […]
One Simple Step – Using Social Media as a Small Group Ministry Leader
Have you ever heard these questions? “How can I share small group ministry vision and ongoing training when I struggle to even get the leaders to gather together……..! What do you do to gather your leaders? What works well in your context? What creative ideas have you implemented?” Every time my SGN Huddle meets, questions […]
5 Questions That Could Save Your Ministry
There’s no shortage of “answers” on the Internet. If you’re looking for opinions on any topic they are only a click away. However, after we wade through these so-called answers we often find ourselves scratching our heads and wondering, “Ok so now what do I do?” Colin Wright once said, “Ignorance is a temporary affliction, […]