Stop Wasting Your Time
By Allen White Have you ever thought about how you might be wasting your own time? You see the problem with most pastors and leaders is they are multi-talented. The problem with being multi-talented is that we tend to depend on ourselves and not bring other people into the equation. For instance, if you write […]
Small Groups vs Support Groups: What’s the Difference? Part 1 [Podcast]
[podcast src=”” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]Q What is the difference between small groups and support groups? How do we care for the people in our small groups in ways that are healthy without becoming therapists for them? How do we keep small groups on track for their intended purpose? If you or anyone on your team […]
Splash Mountain Small Groups Hosted by Walt Disney
What if Walt Disney was a Small Group Host? This question was bouncing around in my head a few weeks ago as I enjoyed a family vacation to Disneyland! In fact, I started penning this post as I waited in line for over 60 minutes to ride the newly renovated “Hyper Space Mountain!” Tens of […]