How Can a Small Group Network Huddle Change Your Ministry?
Let me share a story with you about a friend. To keep his identity safe, I’ll name him Roy. It was December of 2015. Roy was a young pup in ministry with less than 2 years under his belt. He was struggling with where God had him in that very moment. He was also struggling […]
How to Conduct a Successful Huddle-Up
Great job at getting your Huddle started! Now it is time to prepare for conducting a successful Huddle-Up. Ok – you may be asking yourself right now, what is the difference between a Huddle and a Huddle-Up. Great question! Huddle: A group of small group ministry leaders within a geographical location. Huddle-Up: The meeting that […]
How to Start a Huddle
Congratulations on your desire to start a new Huddle! The Small Group Network believes strongly in the importance of small group ministry leaders getting together a few times per year to share ideas, encouragement, and resources. It is in the Huddle where you will find other like minded people who are experiencing the same challenges, […]