A Small Group Leader’s 30-Day Prayer Guide
Leadership Pastor, Jim Egli, endeavored to discover what makes the difference between thriving and stagnant small groups. His research involving over 4,000 group leaders came to the conclusion that praying leaders have faster growing groups. To that end, here is a tool that small group leaders can use repeatedly each month to help them build […]
5 Ways to NOT Evaluate Group Health
Toward the end of each year, a lot of people become more reflective and begin to plan ahead for the year to come. Reflection done right is not a sentimental exercise, but a strategic one that will remind you of what the Lord has done, what to celebrate, and what you can improve. A lot […]
What’s On Your Dashboard?
No one questions why we should collect metrics on how our small group ministries are performing. These measurements tell us how well our ministry approach is working, and they can be useful for everything from planning next year’s activities to justifying programs and budgets. A common way to view metrics is to use a dashboard, […]
What is a Healthy Small Group?
We all want healthy small groups. But without a central focus on God and growing in our faith, we are simply a gathering of people who meet for coffee when it’s convenient. Coffee is great but healthy groups practice spiritual habits that form hearts and lives into being disciples of Jesus. How do we recognize […]
Coaching Resource: 7 Ways to Suffocate Your Small Group
7 Ways to Suffocate Your Small Group Are you a new small group leader or host? Has your small group already launched and started rolling? Hopefully by now your group has gathered a few times, experienced genuine community and everyone is excited for the future! However, when it comes to leading a small group, there […]
Seven Tips for Maintaining Healthy Groups By Judy Colegrove
As Pastors and Point Leaders we want our groups to succeed. But what does success look like? How do you define it? Here are some tips for maintaining healthy small groups. Stay focused on the vision Make sure your leaders know and can recite the vision and values of the church and the small group […]
Creating the Conditions for Growing Groups By Andrew Mason
How important is it to see growing small groups in our churches? Christian Schwarz spearheaded a research project called Natural Church Development. The research center in Germany now has more than 20 million pieces of data about why churches grow and don’t grow. Schwarz says, “If we were to identify any one principle as the […]