1 Surefire Summer Strategy for Improving your Group Life Ministry
Summer is a challenging time as a group life point person. Many small groups take breaks or alter how often they meet to accommodate changing family schedules. I used to see this as a threat to group life ministry. However, where the world presents a threat, God often presents an opportunity. Summer is a great […]
Casting the NET: The What, Why and How of ONLINE Groups [Podcast]
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4451847/height/26/theme/standard-mini/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/” height=”26″ width=”100%” placement=”top” theme=”mini”]If you are interested in learning about how online groups can help you & your church fulfill its mission of reaching the un-churched & making disciples, then you’ve come to the right place! Jay Kranda is the Online Campus Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA. The Online Campus includes […]
Healthy Leaders Yield Healthy Groups
We all want healthy small groups. We want them thrive and see people’s lives being transformed into the image of Christ. But without a strategy to help our leaders be all God has called them to be, our leaders can become spiritually unhealthy. In many churches, small groups are the primary path of discipleship so […]
Coaching Resource: 7 Ways to Suffocate Your Small Group
7 Ways to Suffocate Your Small Group Are you a new small group leader or host? Has your small group already launched and started rolling? Hopefully by now your group has gathered a few times, experienced genuine community and everyone is excited for the future! However, when it comes to leading a small group, there […]