3 Preventable Reasons Why Small Group Coaches Struggle
Taking the lead with community-building is hard work. It’s messy, and ironically, it can feel very lonely. Over the years, Small Group Point People (SGPP) have shared their struggles with me along with the people who partner with them in looking after a church’s group leadership. The most common terms for these strategic helpers are […]
Finding a Fresh Perspective
The most pivotal moments in my life involved a change of perspective. Perspective is the lens through which we see the world. Your perspective directly affects your relationships with God, others and even yourself! Before knowing Jesus, I remember struggling to understand what the Bible was saying, but when I became a believer, I saw […]
3 Empowering Gifts of Accountability
I haven’t always been comfortable with the word “accountability.” It used to make me think of a person with a ledger who was critiquing my performance, recording the good and bad in my life and letting me know how well I was staying on track. Accountability felt impersonal and even burdensome. This, however, is not […]
Why Every Small Group Point Person Should Attend “Accelerate!”
We all enter into ministry for a variety of reasons. For me, I love seeing people grow spiritually through a rich experience of biblical community. I have been blessed with incredible community, experiencing firsthand how transformative small group Christian community can and should be. I want to shepherd people into that experience. That last sentence […]
Five Reasons to attend an Accelerate! Workshop
How much time do you spend just thinking about small groups? How much planning and preparation time do you have? If you are anything like me, most of the time you are just trying to keep your eyes above water. I can’t tell you how many times I have wished someone would just spell out […]
Accelerate! Your Ministry
I’ve been to a lot of conferences. I love them. I love the whole experience of getting outside of my normal environment, focusing on ministry, dreaming, and hearing from speakers I don’t normally get to interact with. I grow as a leader when I intentionally carve out time to be a part of conferences. I’m […]
Why Attend Accelerate!?
“Accelerate!” is a small group strategic planning workshop for small group ministry point people and their leadership team. These powerful sessions will be taught by Saddleback Pastor Steve Gladen and other Saddleback small group pastors July 11 – July 14 at the Rancho Capistrano Retreat Center in San Juan Capistrano, California. You and your team […]
East Coast Accelerate!
This is a great picture of all the people who attended the 2016 East Coast Accelerate!. We are hopeful that everyone walked away with some great practical information that will help him/her lead a successful small group ministry. If you missed this opportunity, we have another Accelerate! coming to Southern California July 11th – 14th. […]