3 Ways to Capture Small Group Momentum
When you meet me, it won’t take very long for you to figure out that I am a huge Philadelphia Eagles fan. I have been since I was 5 years old. As a result of the Eagles winning the Super Bowl, I have received hundreds of offers to buy books and products celebrating last season. […]
New People Need New Groups
In his new book Planning Small Groups with Purpose, Steve Gladen asks this question, “What is your plan for connecting people into groups?” This is obviously one of the biggest questions any small group point person needs to answer. When formulating your plan, the underlying truth to keep in mind is that new people need […]
C.O.A.C.H. [5 Big Ideas in Coaching Coaches]
Q What does it mean to be a coach? Let’s take a look at what the valuable role of a small group coach is and what actually happens when they invest in the life of a small group leader. I would not be writing to you today if someone had not noticed something in me, and […]
3 Ways to Keep Momentum Going in Low-Key Seasons
I once heard John Maxwell say, “When you have momentum, don’t take a vacation.” As funny as this is- it’s really true. Why would you stop the momentum? When you are surfing, you wait for the wave to build, then you ride it out. You don’t just stop mid- wave and get off. You ride […]
T.E.A.M. [The 4 Attributes of a Small Group Leader]
Leadership development is hard; both in business and in churches. Small group point people across the country are struggling with the same question, “how do I find more leaders?” As our church grows, the need for more groups and group leaders grow as well. It’s easy to simply fill the gap with anyone we can […]
4 Shared Best Practices of Recruiting Small Group Leaders
I was so fortunate to attend the Small Group Network (SGN) “Lobby Gathering” this past March. Being together and talking with other small group leaders who get the joy and challenge of creating, encouraging, building and leading small groups on a church campus speaks my love language…connecting people. If you have not been to the […]
5 Keys to Building a Solid Foundation for Your Small Group Ministry
I have displayed on my office whiteboard, “Vision without implementation equals hallucination.” I believe in vision, and you’ll hear me talk quite a bit about it in this book. If you don’t have a plan for implementing your vision, you are wasting your time. Success involves the management of ideas. Ideas can provide wonderful breakthroughs […]
The First 90 Days as a Small Group Point Person
If you are new to the role of Small Group Point Person, my hope is that this post will set you up for success. If you have been in your current role for a while, this post will hopefully allow you to do a reset/refresh of your ministry and see if there are changes needed. […]
Capturing Stories in 5 Easy Steps
I have a few stories I’d love to share with you. Stories like Josue, who said, “Small groups have been God’s way of working in my life on the theme of building community and restoring real community and relationships in my life.” Or Nicole who said, “Small groups for me are like family.” These aren’t […]
4 Steps for a New Small Group Point Person
Congratulations! You are the new Small Group Point Person for your church. Now what? Small groups are a great way to help people across your church get connected, both to Christ and with each other. Small groups can help your church develop future leaders and create a pathway for spiritual formation. Small groups can do […]