What Is A Holistic Ministry Model And How Can It Improve Your Small Group Ministry?
Is your ministry greater than the sum of its parts? Here’s how it can be and what that means for metrics and the impact on the rest of your church.
Nurturing the Small Group Soil of the Church
Our article here will be the end of our series on The Other Half of Church, a book written by Jim Wilder and Michael Hendricks which explores how brain science is key to understanding our relational and spiritual growth. Since late 2021, our discussion on the brain science of relationships and small groups has been enlightening […]
The Transformational Love of Healthy Correction Within Group Life
To catch up on the earlier articles that explore small groups through the book The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks, click here to navigate to the first article within the series. For an individual who has not been a part of a small group before, signing up for one can be a […]
The Power of Hesed Attachment: Covenant-like Love Expressed in a Small Group
To catch up on the earlier articles that discuss small groups through the book by Wilder and Hendricks, click here to navigate to the first article within the series. In this article, we will be focusing on the covenant-like love that can be expressed within a person’s small group. 1 John 4:16 says that “God is love. […]
8 Keys for Building a Community Culture
Culture is something you feel. Every group of people and organization has a distinct culture. It’s the water in which you swim when you’re hanging out in an environment or with a small group of people. It’s what you experience through all your senses when you are gathered with others who are a part of […]
The Encouraging Sway of Group Identity
To catch up on the earlier articles that explore small groups through the book The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks, click here to navigate to the first article within the series. Acclaimed by many as having one of the greatest theme songs in the history of television, the show Cheers follows the antics and […]
10 Ways to Build Leadership Lifelines
The relationships that leaders have with others who serve in a similar capacity as they do need to be nurtured in a team format. Healthy interconnectedness among leaders results in a sticky small group ministry. If leaders stick and grow…healthy members will follow. If members stick and grow…the church flourishes. This demonstrates itself through consistent […]
The Relational Joy of Small Groups
So far in our series on The other Half of Church, we’ve established that our brains process information from the world first through the right-brain before the left-brain has the opportunity to contribute to our thoughts and feelings. Such a concept has the potential to make a large impact on the mission and vision of a church’s […]
Do You Have “Full-Brained” Small Groups?
In our previous article, we introduced the concepts of right and left-brain associations with one’s pursuit of relational development, as described by authors Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks in their book The Other Half of Church. As we journey through this series of articles, we will continue to study the principles from this insightful text while applying […]
How to Design Your Own Community Life Calendar
A calendar shapes your culture of community in many ways because it helps to set priorities, puts communications in motion, and lets your people know what to expect. Forecasting how people can connect reveals that biblical community is an actual value of your church, projects your leadership expectations, and helps people to prepare. Start by […]