Accelerate! Your Ministry
I’ve been to a lot of conferences. I love them. I love the whole experience of getting outside of my normal environment, focusing on ministry, dreaming, and hearing from speakers I don’t normally get to interact with. I grow as a leader when I intentionally carve out time to be a part of conferences. I’m […]
7 Lessons I Learned from My First “Lobby”
I just returned from attending my first Small Group Network Lobby Gathering, and I am already looking forward to the 2018 So Cal Lobby (Register HERE), which is March 13-15, 2018! While Derek Olson captured some of the best of the best quotes from the Lobby, I want to share some of the lessons I […]
Five Benefits of Attending the Lobby Gathering
As 2016 is quickly coming to an end, you might be planning what conferences or gatherings you will be attending in 2017. If that is you, let me highly encourage you to look into attending the Lobby Gathering in southern California, hosted by Saddleback Church. When I think about the church I attend and serve […]
The 5 secrets of highly effective leader training – from around the world (part quattro)
Secret 4. Train the entire group, not just the leader Most of the time we hinge the success of our small groups on their leaders. But this assumes that all leaders are highly motivated learners that will remember and implement everything we teach them. Secret number 4 actually implements a better way. Rather than relying […]
Why Attend Accelerate!?
“Accelerate!” is a small group strategic planning workshop for small group ministry point people and their leadership team. These powerful sessions will be taught by Saddleback Pastor Steve Gladen and other Saddleback small group pastors July 11 – July 14 at the Rancho Capistrano Retreat Center in San Juan Capistrano, California. You and your team […]
East Coast Accelerate!
This is a great picture of all the people who attended the 2016 East Coast Accelerate!. We are hopeful that everyone walked away with some great practical information that will help him/her lead a successful small group ministry. If you missed this opportunity, we have another Accelerate! coming to Southern California July 11th – 14th. […]
Are You Attending the So Cal Lobby?
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5 Reasons to Attend The Lobby
Why you should attend The Lobby. There are lots of great church conferences to attend. At each, the participants sit under the teaching of the “Expert in the room”. Great info is dispensed by great presenters. So, how is the Lobby different? Every participant has an equal voice. We believe that real life practitioners are […]