Perfection NOT Required
As a Small Group Point Person, we are often asked a myriad of questions, “Why aren’t more people connecting?”, “What do leaders need to know?”, “What should my group study?”, etc. People assume since you are the Small Group Point Person you have all the answers. And it can feel like if you don’t have […]
Why Small Group Coaches?
Picture it! Think back to getting your first small groups ready to launch; you have spent months preparing and personally meeting with all of your prospective leaders, have held small group leader training, helped leaders find curriculum or possibly even have had a role in creating the sermon based small group study on your campus. […]
Prepping the Soil of your Small Group Ministry
The house that my wife and I bought just over a year ago now has a wonderful little garden plot off to the side of the house. The previous owners had done a great job making it a place that will be great to grow vegetables. However, our first summer there we were just acclimating […]
8 Creative Prayer Ideas for your Small Group
It is Tuesday evening, your small group has gathered, you have had some supper, opened up about what is happening in your lives, read and discussed God’s word and now it is 9:25 you have 5 minutes left to pray together before your 9:30pm finish time……. what do you do? “David would you close in […]
2 Keys to Add Value to those You Lead
Knowing Your People – Grows Your People In a season of recruiting Small Group Point People (SGPP), here’s what I’ve learned: Knowing them ultimately grows them! In other words, knowing the people you serve with is what enables growth to take place. The more that people feel respected and known, the more they share that […]
Rick Warren: Why You Need the Safety Net of a Small Group
With close to 30,000 weekend attenders across all 19 campuses, Saddleback church is proud of the fact that they have more people in small groups than actually attend on the weekends! Enjoy this quick video of Pastor Rick Warren sharing why everyone needs the safety net of a small group! Enjoy the southern hospitality […]
Community Formation and Stone Soup
A little while ago, I wrote on the power of food as it relates to being formed into community. Because of our technological age, which is premised on easy everywhere, we have somehow become less connected. Authentic, transformative relationships seem harder. One of the most beautiful aspects of eating together is in the mutual recognition […]
How to Navigate the Loss of a Loved One with Your Small Group
I don’t know who said it first, but there is a quote that says, “Silence speaks when words fail.” At one point or another, we will encounter a moment when we won’t know the words to say. Maybe you’ve been there before. That’s often what the loss of a loved one does. Initially, it leaves […]
Building Authentic Relationships: 4 Small Group Tips from 1 Thessalonians
Every disciple is called to make more disciples, and small groups are in the trenches of discipleship making. Small groups are fantastic places to learn, but more importantly, they are the best place to build authentic relationships and learn together. Creating an environment that elevates authentic relationships is a challenge, but a great example can […]
C.O.A.C.H. [5 Big Ideas in Coaching Coaches]
Q What does it mean to be a coach? Let’s take a look at what the valuable role of a small group coach is and what actually happens when they invest in the life of a small group leader. I would not be writing to you today if someone had not noticed something in me, and […]