4 Ways to Thrive in Your Season of Life
Start a “Huddle” this month & receive FREE swag! “Huddles” are like small groups for small group point people & are found all over the world! Upon registering your Huddle online, we will mail you official SGN swag & one of our leaders will follow up with you to provide you with all the support […]
What To Do When Your Senior Pastor Is Not Rick Warren
Hear How Rich Doubled His Small Groups in One Month (2 min vid) What to Do when Your Senior Pastor Is not Rick Warren As a small group point person, you have probably read the articles, read the books, and listened to Steve Gladen pontificate about the importance of the senior pastor casting vision for […]
How to Respond to Pain as a Group Leader
Hear How Rich Doubled His Small Groups in One Month (2 min vid) “Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of free-wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain Pain is a natural part of living in a […]
3 Ways To Recruit People to Your Group
Hear How Rich Doubled His Small Groups in One Month (2 min vid) 3 Ways To Recruit People to Your Group Have you ever planned something so delicately and put so much into it and nobody shows up for the event? Imagine this for a second. Your best friend is turning 40 years old. You […]
Vital Moments & Key Decisions in Our Lives
Every soul operates similarly to a car dashboard. It tells us when we are tired, when we are revving the engine, when we are operating on all cylinders, and when we are empty. Our souls are really healthy gages that connect our heads with our hearts. In certain seasons, our heads might say, “I need […]
7 Ways to Develop Positive Group Discussions
1 Remember it is a discussion not a lecture The role of the discussion leader is to facilitate the conversation and help people interact, not to deliver a monologue. Sharing the leadership discussion role around group members is one practical way to help alleviate falling into the ‘lecturer’ trap. Another practical step you can take […]
Normalizing the Experience
Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! Springtime. Warmer weather. Green. New growth. Fresh flowers. However, living in a mountain town spring has taken on new meanings for me. And one word encapsulates spring in the mountains: fickle. One day it is 75° […]
7 Keys to Create a Family Culture in Your Group
Accelerate the health and growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! Near Mpumalanga, South Africa, are the marvelous and mysterious Echo Caves. One of the more amazing plants found there is the Wild Fig tree. As far as plant life goes, these fig trees appear to be […]
The Value of A Great 1st Experience in Your Group
Accelerate the health & growth of your small group ministry by attending one of these “Accelerate” Small Group Workshops! I’ll never forget the first time that I walked into Disney World in Orlando, FL. You know you hear about how amazing it is and how it’s the happiest place on earth and so on. But […]
20 Small Group Quotes by Rick Warren
Lock in SUPER EARLY BIRD price by July 3rd! Pastor Rick Warren was this year’s keynote speaker at the “Lobby Gathering,” one of the nation’s premier small group training events. Enjoy his top 20 quotes relating to small group ministry. “What the world needs more than anything else in our society today is the antidote […]