7 Ways to Celebrate Small Group Leaders
Celebrate! I recently had an ‘aha’ moment. I realised I had made significant personal growth in a particular area of my life. As this sunk in I physically felt myself stand taller, and heard that little voice inside my head say….’well done’. ‘Good job’. ‘It was worth the effort’. I felt great. However a deeper […]
Longevity in Leadership
Burnout is a very real problem for many ministry leaders. I know because I’ve been there. If you aren’t careful, burnout can be a devastating experience that could lead to quitting ministry altogether. God has brought me through more than one season where I needed to do some housework in my own ministry. As leaders, it is so […]
Is Your Job Too Hard for the Wrong Reason?
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. – Matthew 11:28-29 NIV You’ve read these words countless times. You have heard multiple sermons on these verses. […]
Dealing with Disappointment in Community
Last month, I wrote a blog about Bonhoeffer’s challenge to us about not approaching community with our list of demands, but rather to enter into community as thankful recipients of what God has already done. But even when we do not demand our vision for community but gratefully receive where God has placed us and […]
5 Questions That Could Save Your Ministry
There’s no shortage of “answers” on the Internet. If you’re looking for opinions on any topic they are only a click away. However, after we wade through these so-called answers we often find ourselves scratching our heads and wondering, “Ok so now what do I do?” Colin Wright once said, “Ignorance is a temporary affliction, […]
Okay, You’ve Just Been Put In Charge Of Small Groups. Now What?
It’s one of those days when it feels like God just reached down and touched you. Your pastor has informed you that you are being given responsibility over the small group ministry in your church. Woohoo! Oh wait, you know very little about small groups, and you just said “yes?” What do you do now? […]
6 Reflections on Community Inspired by Bonhoeffer
My church has recently launched a series on community called Better Together. In conjunction with the sermon series, I, in collaboration with my senior pastor, wrote a small group curriculum to compliment the series. I love community, which is why I love small groups. Like many of you, I work hard on our small group […]
When More is Not Better
I recently asked on Small Group Network’s Facebook page, “What is the biggest challenge you are facing in your small group ministry?” A friend replied, “A big challenge is serving in a church that does small groups but also wants to do a million other discipleship ministries/ venues simultaneously…” A common temptation in ministry is […]
5 Encouragements from a Fellow Small Group Ministry Struggler
5 Encouragements from a Fellow Small Group Ministry Struggler By Michael C. Mack As someone who has been a small group and discipleship ministry leader—in small to mega churches, in churches just starting groups to those with a settled program—I’m familiar with some of the struggles you face: Listless leaders: Someone accurately described the job […]
One Big Mistake in Dealing With Difficult People
Think of your groups ministry. Somewhere in that context is someone that bugs you. Of course it’s not a pretty thing we talk about as pastors, but everyone has that person. You’re probably picturing them right now. Hold that person in your mind for the next few minutes. “That guy” Not too long ago I […]