When More is Not Better
I recently asked on Small Group Network’s Facebook page, “What is the biggest challenge you are facing in your small group ministry?” A friend replied, “A big challenge is serving in a church that does small groups but also wants to do a million other discipleship ministries/ venues simultaneously…” A common temptation in ministry is […]
SGN Interviews: Q&A with Ben Reed
Ben Reed is a Small Groups Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, where he also serves on the lead team of the international Small Group Network. Ben is the Author of “Starting Small: The Ultimate Small Group Blueprint.” Ben answers the following questions below in this exciting interview… What drew you to small groups […]
Splash Mountain Small Groups Hosted by Walt Disney
What if Walt Disney was a Small Group Host? This question was bouncing around in my head a few weeks ago as I enjoyed a family vacation to Disneyland! In fact, I started penning this post as I waited in line for over 60 minutes to ride the newly renovated “Hyper Space Mountain!” Tens of […]
Get “Leading Small Groups with Purpose” for $1.99 this Week Only!
For the new small group leader, the seasoned leader who feels their small group lacks purpose, or the leader who is itching to move their small group to the next level, Leading Small Groups with Purpose is the road map to follow. Steve Gladen, author of Small Groups with Purpose and pastor of small groups […]
The 5 secrets of highly effective leader training – from around the world (part quattro)
Secret 4. Train the entire group, not just the leader Most of the time we hinge the success of our small groups on their leaders. But this assumes that all leaders are highly motivated learners that will remember and implement everything we teach them. Secret number 4 actually implements a better way. Rather than relying […]
3 Keys to Soaring Summer Small Groups
Over a month ago we launched our summer term of small groups & have seen many un-connected people get connected into community! We’ve seen new friendships being made, families growing deeper in faith & lots of fun being had! We’ve seen many new leaders rise up to use their God-given gifts in leading & facilitating these […]
How to Join the Small Group Network?
Thanks for your interest in the Small Group Network (SGN). The Small Group Network exists to support, encourage and resource Small Group Ministry Leaders. Specifically, our target audience is the person or team responsible for the overall success of that ministry in local Christian congregations. The SGN is a global network with people actively involved […]
How to Conduct a Successful Huddle-Up
Great job at getting your Huddle started! Now it is time to prepare for conducting a successful Huddle-Up. Ok – you may be asking yourself right now, what is the difference between a Huddle and a Huddle-Up. Great question! Huddle: A group of small group ministry leaders within a geographical location. Huddle-Up: The meeting that […]
How to Start a Huddle
Congratulations on your desire to start a new Huddle! The Small Group Network believes strongly in the importance of small group ministry leaders getting together a few times per year to share ideas, encouragement, and resources. It is in the Huddle where you will find other like minded people who are experiencing the same challenges, […]
How to Receive Your Free Small Group Ministry Leader Resource
Great news!! The Small Group Network has a free downloadable resource that provides some great tips on how to maintain a strong Community Leader and Host relationship. To get your free resource simply following the instructions below: Click on Home Screen Register for SGN (email & password) You will receive a Welcome Email with a […]