7 Roles to Engage Your Small Group Members In

In less than 2 minutes, here about how Rich doubled his small groups in one month after attending an Accelerate Small Group Workshop!

The New Year is here, and it’s a great opportunity for us to engage our small group members, if they aren’t already serving in some capacity.  If they are already serving in one area, perhaps challenge them to try something new! This is a great way to not only raise up additional leaders within your group, but also frees you up to focus on planning the Bible study and group discussion time.  A good way to start your group off in January is to take the time together as a group to welcome in the New Year. Discuss the group’s goals and plans for the year ahead.  Encourage as much involvement from your group members – this is their group too!  Each member offers a unique set of gifts and talents, and when everyone uses their gifts and talents accordingly, it really makes a difference in the group!  Below are seven roles you can offer to engage anyone who might be interested and willing to serve:


Is there someone in your group that likes to communicate information, whether it’s something encouraging or simply important information for the group members to know? Ask someone if they might be willing to help with weekly emails to the group, keeping them informed of what is happening such as the next meeting date, a recap of the last meeting for those who were absent, and also include prayer request information, so the group can be praying for one another.  


Who in your group is passionate about prayer?  Prayer is a vital part of your group time.  If someone in your group is passionate about prayer, encourage them to take lead in coordinating payer time in your group.  Plan with them to create a plan for your group, setting aside time for both Bible study & group discussion, as well as prayer time and worship. Encourage them to be creative and come up with various ways for the group to pray for one another.  Have them communicate with the communications person in the group each week, so they can share prayer requests via email so the group can be praying for those throughout the week.


Do you have someone in your group that likes to plan and coordinate things, and create a special, welcoming environment for the group?  The fellowship coordinator can coordinate a schedule for weekly snacks & refreshments, as well as any “special” celebrations or gatherings, such as birthday celebrations, a Superbowl Pot Luck; Valentine’s party, a Summer BBQ.  


A simple, thoughtful gesture goes a long way to making people feel special.  Who in your group would like to help make others feel special?  This role doesn’t involve much – mainly, it’s keeping a list of important dates such as birthdays and anniversaries, and other special events.  Perhaps your group has a set day each month (such as the first of the month) where they set aside time to celebrate special occasions.  To make it easy, you can even provide this person with a big box of all-occasion cards – then they can have the group members sign cards in advance.    Encourage them to coordinate with the fellowship coordinator, letting them know ahead of time what celebrations are coming up!  


Who in your group has a heart for serving?  This is a great opportunity for them to use their passion and coordinate a service project for your Small Group.  Encourage them to seek input from the group for ideas they may be interested in, and then let them coordinate!


Here’s another valuable part of your Small Group time!  Is there a person in your group that is passionate about worship? Do they enjoy music – or maybe they can provide a brief Scripture passage that focuses on worship?  Discuss with your Small Group the plan for incorporating worship into your Small Group time, then hand off this role to someone who is willing!


Come up with a plan for the group in January for your year, including outreach.  Who in your group is passionate about outreach, and willing to coordinate some outreach events for your group?   Encourage them to seek input from the group, then give them freedom to plan.  

Remember, a Small Group is made up of many members, each who bring a unique set of gifts and talents to be shared and used with the group.  A leader can easily feel responsible and sometimes overwhelmed with what needs to be done – but we don’t need to do it alone.  In the New Year ahead, choose to be intentional in sharing the load.  This won’t just benefit you; it’ll empower your group members and help them develop their skills as they serve in significant ways


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Daniel Thomas

Connections Director



Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



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